the WHY

John and Julie Gottman’s research found that men are most often the critical factor in making or breaking relationship.  This was a passion project of John’s, something that he had long wanted to publish, and it was a privilege to help him to develop a book that would help men know how to make rather than break relationships.


Based on 40 years of research data from world-renowned relationship expert Dr. John Gottman’s famous “Love Lab,” The Man’s Guide to Women offers the first science-based answer to the question: What do women really want in a man?

Results from Dr. Gottman’s research prove a simple truth: men make or break heterosexual relationships. This does not mean that a woman doesn’t need to do her part, but the data proves that a man’s actions are the key variable that determines whether a relationship succeeds or fails, which is ironic since most relationship books are written for women.

This isn’t a how-to guide for getting women into bed. The goal of this book is to help men succeed with women for a lifetime. Research studies show that men who are in a happy, healthy relationship make more money, have more sex, live longer, suffer less chronic illness, and show less cognitive impairment in their later years.

Science has shown what matters most to women and what women want most from a man. In The Man’s Guide to Women, the authors show men the secrets of attraction, of dating, of mating, of day-to-day living, and how to build a solid, satisfying long-term relationship with a woman. They map her body and decode her body language. Any man who wants to get closer to a woman should read this book.

  • Publishers Weekly Review

    “The authors explore the differences between men’s and women’s brain physiology and emotions in this guide to helping men meaningfully connect with their female partners.” — FULL REVIEW

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